12 New Free Responsive WordPress Themes [June 2012]

Divi WordPress Theme

We regularly bring together free responsive wordpress themes and in today’s post we have antoher great free collection.You know,it’s been a few years since responsive design has been popular in web design industry.Responsive web design is is basically the concept of building a website that allows the layout adapt itself according to the device people are using like smartphones,iPad etc.The below responsive wordpress themes are all compatible with all devices and of course free.

You may also take a look at our past responsive wordpress theme collections;


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Meeta is a simple blogging theme, but packed with many premium features, like: unique widgets, custom templates. The theme is absolutely free



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Accentbox is a premium theme for free, courtesy of MyThemeShop. A fully responsive theme, Accentbox features a beautiful design and powerful functionality.



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Adapt is a free WordPres theme created by WPExplorer.com that features a very clean and elegant business/portfolio style design that is also fully responsive. Overall the theme is very minimal and super easy to setup.



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Unique Theme Responsive is a WordPress Theme with mobile and tablet responsive design. Great grid like theme for portfolio showcase and for creative blogging


Simple Grid

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Simple Grid Theme Responsive is a WordPress Theme with mobile and tablet responsive design. Grid like design Theme is perfect for any creative agency to showcase their portfolio.



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Touchfolio is simple theme created with focus on content and providing great user experience on majority of desktop and mobile devices.


Live Wire

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Live Wire is about rocking your blogging. It was designed with Mobile first attitude, it supports post formats, Gravity Forms and Hybrid Tabs plugins (CSS included), it’s translation-ready and what else. There is also changelog.txt in theme folder.



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Align is a minimal and responsive wordpress theme designed for the content and thus the typography itself.Align is based on ZURB’s Foundation css thus making it fully responsive to mobile phone, tablet or just simply a smaller size of screen resolution. Align is just as easy as other theme to used.



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Simple minimalist responsive two column theme with built in slider. Suitable for a blog-based website with custom menu, custom header, custom widget, social share button (facebook like, twitter share, google +1) to make your blog more dazzling. Lugada comes with amazing image attachment gallery, featured image, theme option, sticky post support, styles for print and for the admin editor. HTML 5, CSS 3, and responsive technology.



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Clean dynamic 3 & 2 column theme with light and dark theme color scheme. Delivered with some great feature like multi-column category custom widget, attachment image gallery, related posts in single, recent posts custom widget, random posts custom widget, Facebook – twitter – Google+ button, custom menu, custom header, theme option, sticky post support, styles for print and post editor. HTML 5, CSS 3, and responsive technology.



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Designfolio scales perfectly to fit any size screen on a computer or mobile device. This includes the slider, portfolio, and all other elements.



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Theme is powered with features like custom post type, taxonomies, custom menu, featured thumbnails etc.Portfolio post types are used to display your portfolio items. This theme supports 2 portfolio items.


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