Artist Of The Week:Grzegorz Domaradzki

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Gabz graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań with a Master’s degree in Graphic Arts and Drawing.
After the graduation, he first worked as an illustrator and later as a graphic designer for various advertising agencies. In 2005, he went freelance and hasn’t looked back since.

In the early years, Gabz’s personal art work revolved around rather dark themes.A conscious effort to make his work more broadly appealing and optimistic in its tone has coincided with an increasing focus on his favorite way of creating images: he initially works with pencil and/or pen, before the hand-drawn art gets perfected on his iMac. He also works with vectors, watercolor, acrylic and oil paint. Gabz majors in graphic design and enjoys playing with custom-made typography.
You can find Grzegorz on;


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