Artist Of The Week:Andreas Preis


We continue to showcase talented artists from all aronud the world.This week’s featured artis is Andreas Preis.Andreas Preis is a freelance designer and illustrator since 2009.Andreas studied communication design in Nuremberg/Germany.He is also working as a part of Elektropastete.As you see below,Andreas combines traditional art and digital art perfectly.You can find Andreas Preis at;


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Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

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Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

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Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

Andreas Preis illustrationsSource

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