Artist Of The Week:Tony Ariawan


Tony Ariawan is a digital artist based in Jakarta, Indonesia.Tony never attended any traditional design school but he is one of the best self taught i have seen in my life.He is always inspired by female body and he blends it with shape,light and bright colors.
Tony currently works as a freelance graphic designer.If you want to work with you can find him on;


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Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

Tony Ariawan artSource

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