40 Wonderful Examples of Bokeh Photography


Bokeh is an originally Japanese word and it means haze or blur.But when it is applied to photography,the word bokeh is associated with the blur that is seen in the out of focus areas of a image.Shortly we can say,bokeh is a technique to add fuzzy areas within a photo.
In today’s post we have compiled wonderful examples of bokeh photography.When you see the below examples,you will understand the bokeh technique better.

Christmas Time Bokeh Time

bokeh photosPhoto by Lincoln ~

Watch the Stars Go Out

bokeh photosPhoto by Ed McGowan

Sensitive Space

bokeh photosPhoto by Matt

A Cup of Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by Cindy

Homeward Bound

bokeh photosPhoto by Matt

Our way was lit by Moon and Cello

bokeh photosPhoto by Matt

Warm Fuzzies

bokeh photosPhoto by Steve Jurvetson


bokeh photosPhoto by *December Sun

Trees of Light

bokeh photosPhoto by Jeff Laitila


bokeh photosPhoto by Hanan D.

Starry Night

bokeh photosPhoto by Matt

Jake Watches The Mountain Goats

bokeh photosPhoto by Abby

Aldis Hill Forest

bokeh photosPhoto by Kirk

Cranberry Cove Barrens

bokeh photosPhoto by David Elliott

Ball ball Net

bokeh photosPhoto by Jordan


bokeh photosPhoto by ArTeTeTrA

Binge and Purge

bokeh photosPhoto by amy b

Outside Sarang Church in Seoul

bokeh photosPhoto by Marshall

Christmas Lights

bokeh photosPhoto by Fabrizio Sciami

Opening the World of Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by Prashanth Naik

Rainy Canal Street ( New Orleans )

bokeh photosPhoto by Alfonso Pompo Bresciani

Passion of Italy

bokeh photosPhoto by Faisal Al-Ali

Happy Holidays

bokeh photosPhoto by Cherie S.

The Ace of Spades

bokeh photosPhoto by ~aspidistra~

All the love for you my friends!

bokeh photosPhoto by Ilko Allexandroff

Peacock Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by Paula

Have a Happy Bokeh-licious Week

bokeh photosPhoto by Monjori Islam

50 Special

bokeh photosPhoto by Ilaria Luciani

Along Dark Winter Streets

bokeh photosPhoto by dapalmerpeter

The Fallen Sons of Eve

bokeh photosPhoto by roseonthegrey

Bokeh Bubbles

bokeh photosPhoto by roseonthegrey

The Cup and Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by VanillaBoom

I gotta feeling… bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by CasheeFoo

A Cup of Bokeh, please?

bokeh photosPhoto by smanimagery

The Bokeh Lantern

bokeh photosPhoto by Pmania

Extreme Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by raoros

Domo Bokeh

bokeh photosPhoto by CrazyKcee

The Bokeh Shooter

bokeh photosPhoto by Adarsh Padegal


bokeh photosPhoto by Rio Paliza

Flower Bokeh Magazine

bokeh photosPhoto by Deven Hwang

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