Must Read Articles of The Week #1


This is a weekly post where we bring together great articles you might have missed.All these hand picked articles are for web designers and developers and we are sure you will find many useful yet innovative articles in this post.Enjoy!!!

An In Depth Analysis of HTML5 Multimedia and Accessibility

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how HTML5 helps to provide you with several ways of presenting your media content to users. As a result, you’ll increase the availability of your media to users with different needs and requirements, making it more accessible.

Making a jQuery Countdown Timer

When building a coming soon or event page, you find yourself in search for a good way to display the remaining time. A countdown gives the feel of urgency, and combined with an email field will yield more signups for your newsletter.

Css4 Sneak Peak

CSS3 has been a hot topic nowadays in web development. As it slowly crawl into every website, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C – an International Community who develop Web Standards) has released the very draft of CSS4 specification document 3 months ago.

Why Programmers don’t have High Social Status

Up to date there is No single street name for a top programmer or computer scientist in any of the Top 20 most developed countries in the world during the last 60 years.There is no statue built in the center of a major city for a renown programmer or computer scientists.

Watch Your @font-face font-weight

Let’s say you’re browsing Google Web Fonts for a free font to use on your website. You find one you like…

50 Open Source Technologies / Projects to Look Out For in 2012

The open source movement continues to strengthen every year, such that no matter who you are, what software you use, what book you read, whatever you do somewhere along the line open source software is in use.

GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop

Take a moment and think about creating a multi-column grid in a Photoshop comp. Have your palms started to sweat? Yes, creating grids in Photoshop is a pain indeed. Some designers just estimate and drag guides arbitrarily onto the stage.

6 Elements Of A Trustworthy E-Commerce Web Design

There are no hard rules about designing for e-Commerce, but there are plenty of fundamentals to follow to ensure you are garnering the trust necessary to be successful.In this article the author will delve deeper into these fundamentals and expose some areas that may be creating some skeptical shoppers on your website.

iPhone 4 in Pure CSS3(app.)

This rendering of iPhone 4 and its icons was made in pure CSS3.No images, no base64, no SVG, no canvas, just 3395 lines of CSS code and 335 lines of Javascript code (with jQuery, of course).

The US Says Goodbye to IE6

Time to pop open the champagne because, based on the latest data from Net Applications, IE6 usage in the US has now officially dropped below 1%!IE6 has been the punch line of browser jokes for a while, and we’ve been as eager as anyone to see it go away.