You know Adobe Illustrator is the leading software in vectoral graphic industry so learning a ”how-to guide” from a professional illustrator user gives a great advantage to you.You can learn the techniques which you haven’t seen before or improve yourself very easily.
So today we have a great round up of adobe illustrator tutorials from really professional users.I’m sure you will learn many new tecniques and tips from the below tutorials.
How to Illustrate a Stethoscope Icon
This work is a common project created together with Iaroslav Lazunov and Oleksandr Iegupov.They have used Meshes, Art brushes, and Blends to create the final work. The skills you will learn here can easily be transferred to creating various objects.
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How To Create A Beautiful Windmill Illustration Using Illustrator
In this tutorial,you will learn how to create A beautiful windmill illustration using illustrator.
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Create a Classic Baby Stroller in Adobe Illustrator
In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a classic baby stroller illustration. If you’re looking to create vintage stroller art, modern baby stroller graphics, for stock art or to illustrate your next graphic project, then jump into this tutorial and learn every detail: from constructing the bassinet area, carriage handle, to wheels and more.
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How To Create a Cute Hairy Vector Monster Character
Follow this step by step Illustrator tutorial to create a cute vector monster character.
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Create a Jack O’ Lantern with Blend Art Brushes in Illustrator
To celebrate the creepy occasion author shows you how to create a jack o’ lantern, which can be used as an icon or as a decorative item. And also create some very useful art brushes based on quick blends, which create a smooth airbrushed effect, but is still 100% vector
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How to Create a Trendy Retro Type Treatment
In this Illustrator tutorial,you’ll learn how to create a trendy retro type treatment with a free font, gradients, blends, and some scatter brushes. It’s a relative easy tutorial containing techniques that can be quickly applied to many other type treatments and various graphic elements.
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How to Create a Portrait in the Pop Art Style using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a vector portrait in Pop Art style.
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How to Create a Nice Emoticons Icon Set
In the following tutorial you will learn to create an attractive emoticons icon set. Learn an easy to follow workflow for creating each of these little emotional character faces in Adobe Illustrator.
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Draw an Analog Stopwatch with Illustrator
This tutorial is on how to create an analog stopwatch in Adobe Illustrator.
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Create a Security Seal in Illustrator Using Guilloche Patterns
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a security seal using Guilloche, the artistic technique that is typically used in banknote design and other documents to prevent them from being forged.
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How to Make a Golden Compass in Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial, you’ll learn how to create an antique golden compass.
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How to Illustrate An Abacus Icon
In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a realistic, vector abacus icon, using 3D Renders, Brushes, Blends and other tools of Adobe Illustrator. The skills you will learn can easily be transferred to creating various objects.
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How to Create Vector Denim Texture Using Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a realistic vector denim texture.
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How to Create a Pacifier Icon in Illustrator
In the following tutorial,you’ll learn to use professional vector shape building techniques, save time with Illustrator’s tools, and how to add those details that make the final image pop.
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How to Create a Happy Drummer Using Adobe Illustrator and VectorScribe Plugin
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a vector character using the Pen Tool, linear and radial gradients, Art Brush, Pattern Brush and Blend Tool.
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Create a Vector Floppy Disk Icon
In the following tutorial you will learn how to create a floppy disk icon. We’ll use basic shape building methods, and numerous Adobe Illustrator effects, which will combine to create the final illustration.
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Create the Mac Finder Logo
Learn how to create a Mac finder logo.
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Create a Fashionable Dress Shoe in Illustrator
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a dress shoe with the help of gradient meshes. We will also explore how to create custom vector textures as well.
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Create a Photo-Realistic Candle with Gradient Mesh
Gradient Mesh can be intimidating for novice and experienced Illustrator users alike, but sophisticated results can be achieved with a simple mesh and careful coloring. This tutorial will set you on the road to mesh mastery.
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Create a Vertical Loading Bar
In this you’ll learn how to create a simple, vertical loading bar.
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How to Create a Seamless Bookshelf Pattern in Illustrator
This tutorial will show you how to make a seamless bookshelf pattern in Adobe Illustrator.
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Create a Binoculars Icon in Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a binocular icon design, using Adobe Illustrator’s 3D effects, gradients and blending modes. So let’s get into this tutorial.
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Create a Clean Retro Badge in Adobe Illustrator
In this tutorial we are going to create a clean retro-looking badge/burst in Adobe Illustrator. These are great for adding to a website, advertisement, etc to help the text stand out.
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How to Illustrate an Auction Gavel Icon
This work is a common project created together with Iaroslav Lazunov and Oleksandr Iegupov.3D-modeling, Gradients, Blends, and Gradient Meshes are used for creating this picture.
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How to Illustrate a 3D Email Sign
This tutorial is for intermediate Illustrator users.3D-modeling, gradients, blending modes, blends, gradient meshes used for creating the picture.
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How to Illustrate a Retro Phone in Illustrator
This tutorial is for Intermediate illustrator users. In it you’ll learn how to create a realistic, vector, retro phone, using Brushes, Blends, 3D renders and other tools of Adobe Illustrator. The skills you will learn can easily be transferred to creating various objects.
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How to Turn a Photo into Vector Artwork
In this Adobe Illustrator tutorial,you will how to create a vector illustration of a high-heeled shoe by tracing a reference photo of it using the Pen Tool.
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Draw an Ornate Bell in Adobe Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial, you will learn how to demonstrate how to create an ornate bell using Adobe Illustrator.
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Create a Semi-Realistic Light Bulb in Adobe Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial, you will learn how to draw a light bulb illustration.
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Draw a Magician’s Hat in Illustrator
In this tutorial,you’ll learn how to create a magician hat in Adobe Illustrator
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How to Create Advertising Billboard Using Adobe Illustrator
In this vector tutorial we will learn how to create an advertising billboard using 3D modeling and a few simple techniques such as shape building using the Pathfinder palette, defining the vanishing point by using the guides, filling an object with gradients and using the Blend Tool.
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Create a Cute Twitter Bird Character in Illustrator
Learn how to create a cute cartoon Twitter bird/icon in Illustrator.
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Create a Vector Combination Lock in Illustrator
Learn how to create a Vector Combination Lock icon in Illustrator from scratch.
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Create a Cute Vector Penguin Character in Illustrator
Follow this step by step Adobe Illustrator tutorial to create a simple vector penguin character.
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Create a Cocktail Glass in Adobe Illustrator
In this very detailed tutorial we will learn how to create a cocktail glass with a colorful drink and fancy decoration.
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Folded Paper Text Effect in Illustrator
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a folded paper effect on text in Illustrator
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How to Create Angry Birds Characters in Adobe Illustrator. (Red Bird)
Within this tutorial, you will be taught the basic principles in order to create an almost exact replica of the red bird in Angry Birds; in vector format.
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How to Make a Magic Book Using Adobe Illustrator
This tutorial is a guide where you will find ideas to create a magic book. In the first half you will learn how to make an open book, in the remaining steps you’ll make the background and add the magic effects. You can apply these effects to other projects.
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How To Create An Espresso Machine Icon Inside Adobe Illustrator
In this Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to create an espresso maker icon using simple illustration techniques.
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Very nice, keep the great tutorials coming!
i will try the angry birds! 🙂
Thank you for these, always nice to try something new and fluff up the Illustrator part of the brain!