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20 Amazing Experimental Projects from Mozilla Demo Studio(CSS3,HTML5….)

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We have published a few posts about experimental CSS3 and HTML5 to show the power of them.And you know,new projects are being released so often and personally i like to check out these new experiments.This time we are showcasing (mostly fresh) projects developed using CSS3,HTML5 and Javascript from Mozilla Demo Studio.
Mozilla Demo Studio,where developers can develop,share,demonstrate, and learn all about Web technologies.You can also download the source codes to see how they work.

The Letter-Heads

css3-html5-javascript experimentThe letter-heads is an interactive shadow-art in your browser.Built using JavaScript, CSS3, Audio, Fonts & Type
Demo | Get The Code

The Planetarium

css3-html5-javascript experimentA CSS3 journey through the Solar System.Built using SVG, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Fonts & Type
Demo | Get The Code

Ghostwriter Art Studio

css3-html5-javascript experimentSkookum’s online art playground.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code

Rofox CSS3 Animation

css3-html5-javascript experimentLittle spaceship lands on planet. Little spaceship takes off from planet.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.Space Background was lifted from Chris Coyiers “Starry Night” article.)
Demo | Get The Code

CSS Tricks

css3-html5-javascript experimentA 3D Body tracking CSS animation done with Kinect.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code

WebGL Earth

css3-html5-javascript experimentOpen-source 3D digital globe for web and mobile devices.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, WebGL
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentAll Glory to the Hypnofox.Built using HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code

CSS Sliding Image Gallery

css3-html5-javascript experimentAn image gallery made without JavaScript using dots and arrows to browse.Built using HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentA cat meowing.Built using CSS3
Demo | Get The Code

Role Playing Game

css3-html5-javascript experimentA demonstration of an RPG in HTML5 and with the framework RPG JS.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas, Audio
Demo | Get The Code

Gamits: Parts

css3-html5-javascript experimentAn interactive music video for the Gamits new Album.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas, Drag and Drop, Video
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentPItchshifter and low pass filter with pretty UI for HTML5 and MozAudio.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas, Audio
Demo | Get The Code

CSS3 up and running!

css3-html5-javascript experimentEarth and Moon moviments and a nice sunset in the horizon.Built using HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code

Zoom Menu

css3-html5-javascript experimentA simple menu zooming.Built using HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentA short movie with lots of explosions and gunshots.Built using CSS3, Audio
Demo | Get The Code

Zoom to Infinity

css3-html5-javascript experimentAn infinite zoom-in using CSS3 keyframes.
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentAllowing people to take screengrabs of your videos.Built using Video, HTML5, Canvas, CSS3,
Demo | Get The Code

Tetris CSS3

css3-html5-javascript experimentA full CSS3 Tetris game.Built using HTML5, CSS3
Demo | Get The Code


css3-html5-javascript experimentBrowser based chess engine with CSS animation.Built using JavaScript, CSS3, Fonts & Type,
Demo | Get The Code

The Pixelator

css3-html5-javascript experimentThe Pixelator converts your images into an interactive canvas where you pixelate the image content through configurable layers.Built using JavaScript, HTML5, Canvas
Demo | Get The Code

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