35 Useful jQuery based WordPress Plugins You May Not Have Seen Before


Hundreds of wordpress plugins are being released every year and of course it is not easy to follow every single of them.Remember the first days of WordPress;how simple the system was and especially there were not many jquery based wordpress plugins around.But as the wordpress developers improve this wonderful CMS we need more functional plugins either for functionality or appearance.Mostly bloggers use similar plugins or widgets but if you do a deep search you can find many interesting plugins for your needs.Today we bring together wordpress plugins which are all jquery based and i’m sure you will try some of them.

Dropdown Menu Widget

Dropdown Menu widget adds a beautiful, CSS only dropdown menu, listing pages, categories of your blog. You can also turn your wordpress navigation menu into a beautiful dropdown menu using this plugin. It allows you to choose vertical or horizontal layout.

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WP Selected Text Sharer

This plugin allows to share/search selected text of the site. Users can tweet,email,digg(+96 sites) selected text. Increases site usage and sharing.When a user selects a “Quote” of your site, a popup is displayed. When that quote is tweeted, the selected Quote and the link to that blog post is also tweeted in Twitter.

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Promotion Slider

Promotion slider is a jQuery slider that makes it easy to insert a simple slideshow, or implement multiple rotating ad zones, on a webpage. Because it is highly-customizable, you are in complete control of what shows on the slider, what shows on your promotion pages and how it all works.

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Pop Your Notes

This plugin shows modal window using jQuery simplemodal plugin.While it’s activated, a necessary JS and Stylesheet is be already inserted WordPress’s section. And You can set the Content, Styles, Conditional branches(e.g. only showing frontpage, and 404 page.) from the management interface added to the submenu of Settings.

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SearchAutocomplete implements the jQuery UI Autocomplete functionality on your WordPress installation.jQuery ThemeRoller integration.Generic field selection. Any valid jQuery selector can be used to pick the search field.Minimum character count.Hotlink resulting Post/Page titles directly to their respective items.

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Folding Archives

The Folding Archives plugin provides a sidebar widget to display archives in a small and simple jQuery dropdown menu. The widget allows you to select how far back to display archives ( in days ), a custom title and an option for including jQuery.

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Kau-Boy’s AutoCompleter

Integrates a google suggest like search to your blog. Kau-Boy’s AutoCompleter uses the Ajax.Autocompleter function of script.aculo.us or the jQuery Au

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This plugin creates a widget which loops up to ten recent posts and cycles through them with your selected jQuery Cycle effect.

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Tweet Blender

Better than Twitter’s own widgets – Tweet Blender is tag-aware and has support for multiple authors, lists, hashtags, and keywords all blended together. The plugin can show tweets from just one user or a list of users (as all other Twitter plugins do); however, it can also show tweets for a topic which you can define via Twitter hashtag or keyword. But there is more! It can also show tweets for multiple authors AND multiple lists AND multiple keywords AND multiple hashtags all blended together into a single stream.

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”Easy Speak’ Widget Contact Form

This plugin utilizes a wordpress widget and jquery to create a widgetized contact form that visitors can use to send the site owner, or whoever you decide for that matter, email without the need to refresh or navigate from the page. The plugin has been updated to check the email address is formatted correctly to try and reject spam!

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SimpleModal Contact Form

SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered modal contact form. It utilizes the jQuery JavaScript library and the SimpleModal jQuery plugin.

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jQuery Archives Plugin

The jQuery Archives plugin allows you to display your WordPress posts in chronological order (newest to oldest) on a per-month and per-year basis, in a cool accordion-like fashion.

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jQuery Post Preview

Live post preview on “Write/Edit post” page of WordPress admin area using jQuery. If you don’t like WordPress built-in Visual Editor (because it puts a lot of unnecessary tags or by any other reasons), but you want to have live post preview like in Visual Editor.

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jQuery Collapse-O-Matic

Collapse-O-Matic adds an `[expand]` shortcode that wraps any object or content–including other shortcodes–into a lovely jQuery collapsible div.

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jQuery Comment Preview

Live comment preview without page reboot. Works on jQuery.

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jQuery Page Peel

Adds a page peel effect to the top right corner of the page using only jQuery no buggy hard to customize flash.

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JQuery Hovering Footnotes

JQuery Hover Footnotes lets you add footnotes with qualifiers of you’re choosing, then dynamically displays them on hover-over. So you can easily add footnotes to a post by wrapping them in qualifiers, then they will dynamically display in a jQuery hover popup when the user mouses-over the footnote link.

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JQuery Accordion Menu Widget

Creates a widget, which allows you to create vertical accordion menus from any WordPress custom menu using jQuery.

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The Welcomizer

Welcomize your visitors also on categories and pages. This plugin allows you to animate your blog using jQuery effects. (100% AJAX) + .js/.css Includer.

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Use Google Libraries

A number of the javascript libraries distributed with WordPress are also hosted on Google’s AJAX Libraries API. This plugin allows your WordPress site to use the content distribution network side of Google’s AJAX Library API, rather than serving these files from your WordPress install directly.

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Snazzy Archives

Snazzy Archives is a visualization plugin for your WordPress site featuring an unique way to display all your posts.You can select different layouts and special effect.

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Floating Menu

Creates a widget, which adds a floating, sticky, drop down menu from any standard WordPress custom menu using jQuery. Can handle multiple floating menus on each page and the location of each menu tab can be easily set from the widget control panel. Menu can also be activated either by ‘hover’ or ‘click’

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Marquee jQuery Plug-in

A very simple but useful widget, that use jquery to make the effect transition, you can chose the category and number of titles to display.

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Contact Dialog

This plugin allows you to display a form when users click on links inside of elements with a class you specify. The plugin uses a custom version of jQuery UI on the front end, and does not address situations where Javascript is turned off. It does provide a simple, attractive contact form inside of a modal dialog box.

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upPrev Previous Post Animated Notification

created a WordPress Plugin to emulate the “Next Post” buttons you see once you scroll to the bottom of New York Times web articles.Just like the NYTimes button, upPrev allows WordPress site admins to provide the same functionality for their readers. When a reader scrolls to the bottom of a single post, a button animates in the page’s bottom right corner, allowing the reader to select the next available post in the single post’s category (the category is also clickable to access an archive page). If no next post exists, no button is displayed.

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Popeye presents images from the WordPress media library in a nice and elegant way within your posts and pages. Use it to save space when displaying a collection of images and offer your users a simple way to show a big version of your images without leaving the page flow.

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Accordion Image Menu V 3.1

This is a menu that uses the images attached to the posts/pages galleries as items background. You can insert the menu wherever you want: into the content, in your theme files and as a widgets.

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WD3K Ajax Sliding Contact Form

This plugin generates nice jQuery powered sliding contact form in the left border of your WP blog. Contains client side validation and ajax powered mailing, so no page refresh is required. Admin section allows you to configure all form labels including error messages and form status messages.

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OrangeBox is a Lightweight, Cross-Browser, Automated jQuery Lightbox Script. It can display images, quicktime videos, YouTube and Vimeo videos, Flash SWF files, and inline content (along with links in the inline content to open another lightbox). It also groups items together (regardless of their content type) and shows easy to use navigation.

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Latest Tweets Tooltip

A wordpress plugin which will allow you to show the latest tweets about a certain word or phrase in a draggable and resizable jQuery tooltip window.

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Related Posts Slider

Related posts slider creates a very attractive slider of the related posts or/and pages for a WordPress post or page.The slider is a lightweight jQuery implementation of the related post functionality. It has a ready shortcode and widget as well to insert the slider.

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Scroll to Top

Fully written in jQuery, the plugin adds a floating box centered in the footer of your site that only appears when you scroll the page down, and when clicked gently roll the site to the top. All this without any modification to your template.

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cTabs lets you add a tabbed content area directly in your post or page, without having to edit the theme template.cTabs comes with a nice default style but you can edit it anyway you would like through the built in CSS editor in options menu. If you change the css and want to go back to the default, just reset the css in the options menu.

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Sliding Notifications for WordPress Sites

The SlideNote Widget For WordPress is a widget for displaying flexible, customizable sliding notifications. The plugin can be used either with shortcodes or a widget.

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WordPress Post Tabs

WordPress Post Tabs is a plugin for WordPress that will help you add as many tabs to your WordPress post or Page.

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  1. Lee