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26 (More) Slider-based WordPress Plugins to Make Your Blog Dynamic

Divi WordPress Theme

You know wordpress is a well supported and very flexible content management system(CMS).Every day new plugins are up and also wordpress development team upgrades very frequently.
There are so many plugins which makes our blog more dynamic and easy to navigate as well as making it more functional.Using content sliders or integrating dynamic navigation menus or even using sliding social bookmark icons make our blogs stand out from the crowd.
Today’s post is the collection of wordpress plugins which will make your blog more dynamic.

Promotion Slider

wordpress slider plugins
Promotion slider is an excellent jquery slider for rotating your blog’s ad zones as well as your blog’s images.You can easily insert the slide show in your blog because it is highly customizable.

Related Posts Slider

wordpress slider plugins
Related posts slider creates a very attractive slider of the related posts or/and pages for a WordPress post or page.The slider is a lightweight jQuery implementation of the related post functionality. It has a ready shortcode and widget as well to insert the slider.

Smooth Slider

wordpress slider plugins
Smooth Slider is a WordPress Plugin for creating a dynamic slideshow/s for featured posts on a blog. The slideshow created by Smooth Slider are JavaScript and Text based, that is why site owners and bloggers will get full benefit of Search Engine Optimization as the texts are readable by Search Engines.

Easing Slider

wordpress slider plugins
The Easing Slider is an image slider plugin for WordPress which uses the jQuery Easing plugin.The Easing Slider comes with various options that allow you to choose different sources to get the images from and also multiple styling options so that you”ll never have to edit any files directly & with ease. Create your own unique elegant slider

Front Slider

wordpress slider plugins
Front Slider includes as many Featured Posts as you like. You can define a Image for every Post. It shows an excerpt, date, time and number of comments for every Post. The text and images are sliding smoothly – Front Slider generates nice thumbnails through which can be slided and navigated. By clicking on the big image one gets directly to the featured Post.

WP Featured Content Slider

wordpress slider plugins
You can feature as many Posts and Pages as you want. You can define a picture for every single post/page which will then be automatically cropped to the right resolution.You can even define sliding effects such as “fade” or “slideRight” and many more.

Recent Posts Slider

wordpress slider plugins
Recent Posts slider displays your blog’s recent posts either with excerpt or thumbnail image of first image of the post using slider.It creates the thumbnail of either the first image from the post or of featured image. If you want to create a thumbnail of a specific image add a custom field as rps_custom_thumb and specify image path as value.

WP Nivo Slider

wordpress slider plugins
This plugin creates a Slideshow/Slider with post thumbnails in your posts configured for a particular category of your wordpress. It is entirely written in jQuery.It can be integrated anywhere on your Blog/Website. The WP Nivo Slider shows your chosen Blog Posts from a specific Category.

IGIT Posts Slider

wordpress slider plugins
The IGIT Posts Slider Widget Plugin allows you to embed posts into your sidebar category, tags. Also you can show latest posts,old posts and posts by any order you want in this slider wherver your theme supoorts widgets.

WordPress Post Tabs

wordpress slider plugins

WordPress Post Tabs is a plugin for WordPress that will help you add as many tabs to your WordPress post or Page. So, say if you want to write some review, you can create various sections of the review post and display them in a tab view, i.e. separate tab for each section.

Simple Nivo Slider

wordpress slider plugins
The Simple Nivo Slider plugin provides easy access to Gilbert Pellegrom’s excellent jQuery-based Nivo Slider. The admin panel makes it easy to tweak the most commonly used Nivo Slider options from within WordPress.

UnPointZero Slider

wordpress slider plugins
UnPointZero slider is a plugin that display a slideshow for your news or pages !It’s fully customizable with CSS and scale automatically images to the right size.

Social Slider

wordpress slider plugins
The Social Slider plugin display on your blog an expandable box, that has links to your profiles in different social sites.By default, the box is attached to the left side of the browser window, but you can easily put it on the right side.

Content Slider by SlideDeck

wordpress slider plugins
The SlideDeck WordPress slider plugin allows you to easily create a content slider widget or slideshow on your WordPress blog without having to write any code. Just create a new slider with the SlideDeck control panel tool and insert the widget into your post via the WYSIWYG editor with the TinyMCE plugin SlideDeck picker.

JQuery Accessible Slider

wordpress slider plugins
JQuery Accessible Slider is slider controling the number of your blog’s recent posts and uses the JQuery WAI-ARIA enabled accordion and slider.


wordpress slider plugins
Creates a loop of recent posts (up to 10) with images, within selected category, and scrolls through with jQuery effects

CUBE3D, images gallery, menu, slider

wordpress slider plugins

Cube3d GALLERY is a flash real 3D with an expectacular desing. Cube3d Gallery is perfect to create:3D photo galleries,3D portfolios,3D menus,3D slideshow and 3D catalogs.


wordpress slider plugins
This is not a gallery plugin.It is indeed a slideshow plugin, completely automated once you set the number of slides you would like to feature, the size and the category from where iSlidex will pull the images from.You can decide also whether to have nice semi-transparent captions, with the title of the post for each slide.

Tab/Sliders for wordpress posts/pages

wordpress slider plugins

Tabs and Slides (in post/page) Plugin gives you the ability to easily add content tabs and/or content slides.


wordpress slider plugins

A simple plugin to display WordPress posts as a slideshow

Rekt Slideshow

wordpress slider plugins

Rekt Slideshow is a WordPress plugin that will make it simple to insert a jQuery based fading slideshow of images anywhere on a wordpress site. The plugin gives an options page where the user can choose the slideshow size, number of pictures, and slide transition duration as well as choose the images by using the WordPress built in media upload dialog.

Featured Articles Lite

wordpress slider plugins
Put featured posts or pages into a fancy JavaScript slider that can be set to display on any category page, page or homepage.

Meteor Slides

wordpress slider plugins
Easily create slideshows and publish them with a shortcode or widget. The slideshows are powered by jQuery Cycle and have over twenty transition styles to choose from.

Lazyest Stack

wordpress slider plugins
The plugin shows the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, it shows the images of that album as a photo stack. In the photo stack view, you can browse through the images by putting the top most image behind all the stack with a slick animation.The plugin uses jQuery and CSS3 properties for the rotated image effect.Best with chrome and Safari

WordPress Content Slide

wordpress slider plugins
Content Slide is used to create fully customizable jquery Fading image slideshow anywhere within your WordPress site. Custom options include slideshow size, color, style and more

Dynamic Content Gallery

wordpress slider plugins

This plugin creates a dynamic gallery of images for latest and/or featured content using either the JonDesign SmoothGallery script for mootools, or a custom jQuery script. The plugin dynamically creates the gallery from your latest and/or featured content by either automatically pulling in the first Image Attachment from relevant Posts/Pages, or by specifying image URLs in a DCG Metabox in the Write screen for the relevant Posts/Pages.


  1. christen.nobel
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