10 Recently Released WordPress Plugins Worth Considering for Your Blog


The best part of WordPress, which is in fact the major reason why people choose this CMS over others, is the flexibility it offers to increase the functionality of a site/blog. With thousands of Plugins already available to add the desired functions, WordPress keeps on adding new plugins and continuously update the existing ones for its users.
So even before you think to do something, there is a WordPress Plug-in to capture your imagination in advance. Here we present an overview of the latest and useful Plugins from WordPress.

1.Easy Noindex and Nofollow

The Plug-in allows in simple step to add No follow and No index Meta in your post and page if a blogger does not wish search engines to index certain part of your site, say a particular post or category.

2.MoneyPress: Amazon Edition

It is an excellent plug-in for creating Amazon Product listings. Though it comes at a price but it helps generate revenue too. Using this plug-in, you can add content to a site/blog or create product listings with a simple short code. However to use this Plugin, one requires WordPress 3.0 version.

3.JotLinks Like Button

It is a simple but useful Plug-in that allows readers to share your blog content by adding the “Like” button to a single post, every post, home page or to a specific post. The plug-in can effectively increase the popularity of posts on a blog/site.


This plug-in allows running email based campaigns; it provides the facility to the site visitors to send mail to the target email address. Even though the visitors come across an already prepared mail but they can modify and then send it. In this way, the plug-in allows a campaign action to be embedded in a post or page of a WordPress site.

5.Category Listings

With this plug-in in use, a WordPress blogger can now present to its users a list of recent posts from the same category which they are currently viewing. It is an efficient way to promote other related posts among the readers.

6.TentBlogger Optimize WordPress Database

As it is important to clean up and optimize the blog database regularly, the plug-in allows undertaking this with a single click making it one of the most useful plug-ins released by WordPress recently. It scales down the entire optimization process to just one click and outstanding feature of this plug-in is that it is intuitive.

7.WPLM (WordPress Link Management)

WPLM can provide the needed support to bloggers for effective link management. A blogger can add link and mumble to the blog and also specify the link addition date as well as link expire date. Doing so, the plug-in will send email notifications to clients before the link expires. The link will also be automatically deleted once it expires.

It is an efficient plug-in for sites with lots of posts as it reduces the database load by generating real posts archives.


This reputation management plug-in is sure to get a warm welcome as with it bloggers can keep a check on the places on the web where their brand, product or name has got a mention.

10.Twitter Stats
As the name indicates, this plug-in helps in generating statistics about user’s twitter follower/following counts.


These are some of the useful Plugins which can enhance your blogging experience, but select Plugins carefully after analyzing your requirements and the value these plugins can add to your blogs. You can suggest any other recently released plugins which might be useful for the readers.