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24 Fresh and Useful jQuery Plugins Worth Checking Out

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We all know jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today and i think it deserves this because you can create unbelieveable solutions for your projects even with a piece of code.The jQuery library is a single JavaScript file, containing all of its common DOM, event, effects, and Ajax functions. It can be included within a web page by linking to a local copy, or to one of the many copies available from public servers.Everyday very talented and imaginative coders release jQuery plugins and i advice you to follow jQuery sites to find amazing and new plugins.Below jQuery plugins are released or updated in the last few months but mostly new.

Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet
Learn how to create a virtual Moleskine notebook with latest posts from the blog.


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Booklet jQuery PluginFlipbook Layout
Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout.
It was built using the jQuery library. Licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses.


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IMGr-jQuery Plugin for Rounding Image Corners
IMGr is a jQuery plugin for rounding image corners. The script utilizes CSS3 in modern web browsers, and VML in Internet Explorer 8 and below.Configure border size, style, color and individual corner radius.


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jQuery Miniature
jQuery Miniature is a very simple and basic plugin. It just wraps the first letter of a paragraph with a span adding a couple of classes. The useful thing is that you can customize the span the way you prefer. I wrote 3 demos where you can see how to customize the first letter with:a font replacer (Cufòn),pure CSS,images (as background).


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SlideNote-A jQuery Plugin For Sliding Notifications
If you want to show a notification to your readers then this jquery plugin is a perfect solution.The best side of the plugin is that you can use it as a wordpress plugin.SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application.


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jQuery Slidy – A Transition Plugin
jQuery Slidy is a plugin that generates a customizable transitions automatically.You can use it either with effects transitions or with menu at the bottom.Time and speed control is also integrated into the plugin.


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Touch GalleryA fullscreen photo gallery for touch-devices
The plugin was written and optimized for Mobile Safari running on the iPad or iPhone 4. It also runs in Dektop Safari, Firefox 4, as well as in Opera and Chrome.You can open the demo page right now in your iPad or iPhone4 and see it working.


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Bubbleriffic Image Gallery with jQuery
The idea is to show the thumbnails of albums in a rounded fashion allowing the user to scroll them automatically by moving the mouse. Clicking on a thumbnail will zoom in a big circle and the full image which will be automatically resized to fit into the screen.


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Coin Slider-Image Slider with Unique Effects
Basically it’s a latest (and improved) version of jqFancyTransitions but with new ‘fancy’ transitions effects.jqFancyTransitions slice your images in stripes, while Coin Slider slice them in squares.


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GradienterAdd gradient to elements
Gradienter is jQuery plugin which will color selected elements in gradient.All you have to do is to choose elements and set first and last color in gradient.


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jQuery Confirm Dialog Replacement
As you can undertsand from the title,it is a plugin which shows the confirmation dialog box and ask what you want to do.I think this can be used in different projects.


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jQuery Vertical Slider
VerticalSlider let you show long list of elements managing pagination, it can work with elements already in the DOM of your page or loading them via ajax when needed. And it works with mouse wheel of course.


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AC Jform
A fully costumizable contact form, ajaxed.


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Flyout Ribbon using jQuery and CSS3
Flyout Ribbon is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a highly customizable flyout ribbon. This plugin is perfect for providing users with a plethera of options in an unobtrusive manner. With 1 mouse click you can show or hide all developer defined options


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SciAnimator-Scientific Image Animator
SciAnimator (Scientific Image Animator) provides a simple yet powerful interface for animating a series of images. Contains features commonly useful to scientists analyzing time-series images.


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Thumbnail Gallery
Thumbnail Gallery JQuery plugin is a easy to use JQuery plugin for web developer to build Javascript gallery on their web application. The gallery can be driven by xml. Easy setup and only minimum programming knowledge is needed. Best to showcase your photography portfolio.


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This plugin is showing a status bar at the top of the page (or wherever you set it’s parent div). It can be used to show system messages, validation errors, greetings and anything you can think of. It has a lot of options including positioning, text and background color, opacity, autohide and others.


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WOW Slider – jQuery Carousel & SliderFree for Non-Commercial Use
WOW Slider is a jQuery Image Slider with stunning visual effects and fancy templates


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MobilyBlocks plugin allows you to simply create an unordered list as an impressive and stylish animated circle.


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MobilyNotes is lightweight (2KB) jQuery plugin that shows your html content in interesting way.


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MobilyMap is a jQuery plugin (5KB) that can create a Google Maps-like, draggable interface from any image.It is possible to add location-based markers and display information when any of these markers are clicked.The map can be positioned how you prefer (like top, bottom-right, etc.) or by defining an exact location.


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Virtual KeyBoard
This plugin allows user to add a keyboard to any text field of their site.Virtualkey would prevent key loggers from knowing the text entered.


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Exposure jQuery Plugin
Exposure is a jQuery plugin for rich and smart photo viewing that can handle very large amounts of photos.


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Elegant Lightbox Gallery
An advanced lightbox photo gallery plugin built with the jQuery Framework. It is lightweight, unobtrusive and installs with ease.


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