20 Cool Social Media Infographics to Show The Power Of Sharing

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Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education.You can find many mnay interesting infographic about anything but today i want to showcase the infographics about social media and internet.Please click the graphics to see the largest size.

The Biggest Shift

How The World Spends Its Time Online

How are Mobile Phones changing social Media? (via Flowtown)

Women In Social Media (via Flowtown)

A Day In The Internet (via Onlineeducation)

Twitter Territory

Twitter Users (via Ngonlinenews )

Google Buzz Twitter Reactions (via Bryanconnor)

The Life Cycle of a Blog Post, (via Wired)

Spam Infographic (via Techcrunch)

If Facebook was a Country (via Pingdom)

The Prolific WordPress (via Blog.page)

Jazzy WordPress
(via Infographiclabs)

The Rise Of The Social Networking Ad Spending

The Meteoric Rise of Twitter (via Infographiclabs)

The World Of Facebook (via Infographiclabs)

Social Marketing Compass

The Most Popular Time For Breakups-Facebook

World Map of Social Networks

The Revised Social Media Effect


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