Working Too Many Hours In Front Of Computer?Must Read Advices For Your Health

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I’ve been experiencing back pain and knee pain for the last 6 months and this month it increased so much and i decided to go to doctor(very late).Well,i guessed what causes this kind of pain but i had to be sure.After some tests and a few detailed questions it was exactly what i thought.

I think most of the doctors’ first two questions are ”What is your job?” and if there is a word ”office or computer” in your answer then second question is ”How many hours do you sit in front of computer?”

Ok,i sit too much.Almost the whole day-from morning till 6 PM.And of course a few hours at night.What can i do?This is my job.I cannot change my job.

After telling all these to my doctor,i began to listen my doctor’s advices.

First of all,i bought a new office chair.(Similar to his chair-perfect).
Then of course,as you guess,we all need physical activity during the day.
But before that,most of us make some mistakes while sitting in front of our computers.You should have a correct body position while sitting.

You can also buy ergonomic products and i think an adjustable footrest can help you feel comfortable in your office.

Image Credit:NG Health Care Europe

I found 2 very good articles which is similar to my doctor’s advices.
How to Sit Comfortably

Sitting at a computer for long periods of time can take a toll on your body. By not sitting in the correct position, it is easy to end up with back pain, neck pain, knee pains, and a tingling of the hands and fingers. This could easily turn into Carpal Tunnel Syndrome over prolonged usage. Sometimes, this pain becomes so severe and painful that surgery is the only option. It is best avoided by good practices…..Continue Reading

Healthy Tips for Sitting at Your Desk

Many of us don’t have a choice and must work at a desk, at least for a portion of our day. During this time, use the following tips to keep your mind and body at their best.Continue Reading

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Must read Articles and Studies

Stand Up For Your Health
Physiologists And Microbiologists Find Link Between Sitting And Poor Health
Science Daily
Behavior: Too Much Sitting Shortens Lives, Study Suggests Newyork Times
Too Much Sitting = Too Bad For Your Health Physical Living
Too much sitting puts the body on idle USA Today
The Health Risks of Sitting Too Much at Work Associated Content

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