25 Emotional Mother and Baby Animal Photos from Wildlife

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Wild life is not wild as we often think.Mother feelings are always  same in every part of the world so do in the wild life.They struggle for life,they protec their babies from every kind of danger.This weekend i just want to make you smile so I’ve collected 25 Mother and their babies’s photos from wild life.They are all wonderful and cute and i’m sure that you will love all of them.

By the way, if you want to learn more about this type of photography skills you can check outdoor camera guide by Globo Surf.

Thanks to all photographers who took these photos and  show us one of the fantastic part world.

What a lovely Mother’s Day Present, my Dear!

I know … I’m a bit late 😉

by guenterleitenbauer

Polar Bear Mother With Cub

Dutiful mothers, female polar bears usually give birth to twin cubs, which stay with her for more than two years until they can hunt and survive on their own.

Photograph by Norbert Rosing

A Mother’s Touch

by eclectic echoes

You Can’t Get Me.I am Hiding!

by Hobby-Photograph

Bringing Home The Bugs

Feeding Time


Mother Bison Directing Traffic

Photo from the deck at the Wildlife Prairie State Park in Peoria IL (USA).

by Todd Ryburn

A Mothers Love on Black

Baby Bella and her mother at Chester Zoo

by Steve aka Crispin Swan

White Dolphin and Baby

Credit:ZUMA Press

Polar Bears Mother Love


Polar bear Wilbaer and mother Corinna communicate in their enclosure at the Wilhelma Zoo in Stuttgart, Germany.


Love Tap

Mother elephant Kandy taps her baby, Shahrukh, at Hagenbeck Zoo in Hamburg, Germany.


Zambezi Elephants, Africa

A young elephant nuzzles its mother during a visit to the drought-depleted Zambezi riverbed.

Photograph by Chris Johns

Langur Monkey, India

In an image taken by a remotely operated 35-mm camera, a baby langur monkey clings to his mother’s chest in India’s Bandhavgarh National Park.

Photograph by Michael Nichols

Baby Gelada, Ethiopia

Once they’re three months old, geladas ride their mothers jockey-style. Females have just four or five babies in a lifetime but invest a lot of time and energy taking care of them—it’s a ‘quality, not quantity’ strategy, says biologist Chadden Hunter, who has spent parts of the past six years with the animals in Ethiopia(From “Final Edit,” November 2002, National Geographic magazine)

Photograph by Michael Nichols

Tiger Carrying Cub, India

Jaws that can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as Sita totes a cub to a new den, a constant chore to safeguard her young from leopards, wild dogs, and other tigers. Hiding cubs well is critical, since she may be away hunting for 24 hours or more

Photograph by Michael Nichols

Black Bear Mother and Cub

Mother black bears are notoriously protective of their cubs, who stay with their mothers for about two years.

Photograph by Norbert Rosing

Lynx and Cub

Lynxes are known for the black tufts of fur on the tips of their ears.

Photograph by Norbert Rosing

Just Born

Donkey helping the new born foal stand on its feet

by Nagcharan

Mother’s Watchful Eye


Mother and Son

A Koala and her junior, taken at Wildlife world in Darling Harbour.

by photographerglen

Mother and Child Antelopes

Antelope mother and baby nuzzle each other.

by David Roberts

Flamingo Chick Keeping Warm

by wAlanb

Mother Seal and Pup, Galápagos

While hiking in the Galápagos among a colony of seals, we came upon this mother and pup sharing what appears to be a “tender moment.”

Photograph by Jack Burtt

Red-Necked Grebe and Chick

A newly hatched red-necked grebe relaxes, safe under mom’s wing. It’s been a long day and there’s still so much to see.

Photograph by Michael Gehrisch

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