33 Imaginative Photoshop Drawing and Painting Tutorials


I think,to learn different drawing and painting techniques is a must for all  photoshop users.Today,i’ve compiled some tutorials which will help you to learn and improve yourselves in drawing and painting.Especially some brush tecniques are really interesting.At first,you may think most of them are really complex and yes you are right but it will be good for you to have a look at them.In some of  them, tablets are used but all of them are completed using Photoshop.Hope you like the roundup.

1.Making Of Homage

2.How To Create a Side View Concept Car

3.How to Create a Slick Anime Character in Photoshop

4.How to Draw a Watch in Photoshop

5.How to Make a Beautiful Spring Butterfly Scenery

6.How to Create a Super Shiny Pencil Icon

7.Realistic Feathers

8.3D Tentacles

9.Create a Realistic Wine Bottle Illustration From Scratch

10.How to Create an Imaginative, Magical Painted Scene

11.Iron Man Movie Wallpaper

12.Draw a Dreaming Girl

13.Drawing Wooden Plank

14.Shark Picture

15.Retro Car Drawing

16.Adobe Photoshop Metallic Paint

17.Spearfish – Photoshop Painting and Shape Techniques

18.Create a Retro Pop Art in Photoshop

19.Concept Development Character

20.Making of Yuka

21.How to Create Pure Digital Art Usin Tablet

22.Making a Syringe From Scratch

23.Draw Your Snowman in Photoshop

24.Create a Beautiful Silver Blue Bird

25.How to Draw a Classic Hand Using a Graphics Tablet

26.Drawing a Female Character

27.How To Design a Thanksgiving Pumpkin in Photoshop

28.How to Ink and Color a Cartoon Portrait Using a Pen Tablet

29.Rihanna Digital Painting

30.Making of Fire Energy

31.How to Create an Illustrated Cartoon Character

32.How to Draw Semi-realistic Bamboo in Adobe Photoshop

33.Making of Frodo

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  1. Felicia
  2. Centon
  3. Nick Polat
  4. WpHence
  5. Damian Martinez
  6. Ardi
  7. Photoshop Expert
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