How To Set eWebGuru VPS Hosting?


Website is the face of communication for online business organizations. Many business organizations rely on websites for their operations and cannot afford to go down at any cost. Server reliability plays a major role in website uptime and budget plays an equally important role in terms of business operations. VPS Hosting is ideal for businesses that need a little peace at a low cost.

What is VPS Hosting?

Large physical servers are divided into small units called virtual private servers (VPS). Virtual Private Server hosts your website and manages it as your terms. VPS Hosting is technically Shared Hosting and Dedicated Hosting. It is several types of web hosting accounts that you can choose to host your website online. To have a website on the internet, you must have a website file on a web server. Each virtual server is like an independent server and has its resources such as disk space, processor, operating system, etc. Virtual servers that share the same physical server do not interfere with each other.

If you don’t have good technical server administration knowledge, then managed VPS hosting is a good
starter package and it is the best solution for the smooth functioning of your website compared to other hosting solutions available in the market that is characterized by specific and shared hosting aspects. It is useful for individuals and business people who are looking for specialized solutions and powerful servers.

Why eWebGuru?

eWebGuru is unique and different VPS hosting company in India. Although many VPS hosting providers come from abroad to take over the market, eWebguru is the first choice for VPS hosting. eWebGuru has the latest features that are very useful for new companies and large companies. It has an affordable package, making it the number one choice that is behind to come by VPS companies that provide quality VPS hosting services at that price.


There are many VPS hosting providers on the Internet and many ways you can connect to a website, besides using a browser. For example File Transfer Protocol- the first step is to choose VPS hosting. I recommend eWebGuru because you will get several VPS options at very affordable prices by eWebGuru.

– Step 1: Enter your VPS package
Once you register and pay, your VPS is immediately created. You must receive your login information in an email when registering. Your web host must give you a set of credentials, you can use File Transfer Protocol

– Step 2: SSH To VPS
Now that you have a new VPS system, you must go in there. Just SSH as the user rooting user to the IP address you provided.

• Your server’s IP address
• Username (root)
• Password for your root account

When setting up VPS, you will start with one root account, which is the account that you will use to make the first connection. If you use an OS on your end, you can connect to your server directly from the command line.

– Step 3: Change The Root Password
After you log in, change the root password right away because you emailed the default initial password, it’s not safe until you change it. If all goes well, you will get a message that says password all authentication coupon has been updated successfully.

– Step 4: Update Your Server Package
Next, you must proceed and get all the basic OS packages updated before we install Apache or PHP. For this, the provider will give you to use a default package called Yum.

To get started, type in the apt update command and Enter. Then your server will double-check what packages to be upgraded. When finished, enter apt dist-upgrade, which will update your server package. This process might take a while.

After all your packages have been updated, you must continue and restart your server using the reboot command. Then, close the command line window. Wait for a minute and login back in using the client of your choice or Putty. Once it’s finished you will get a message Complete!

– Step 5: Setting Up Your VPS Hosting
Next, you need to install your web server’s code interpreter, Database Server. You can do this all with one command using yum. Then Set WordPress on VPS. First, you need to download the latest version of WordPress from your service provider website. Then you can continue to set up the site.

Advantages of eWebGuru VPS Hosting

eWebGuru is one of the leading hosting sites in India and one of the VPS hosting specialties is that it is very easy to control the traffic because VPS hosting reproduce the work of special servers in a shared environment.

With the eWebGuru VPS hosting, you will be able to save a lot of money. You will be given an open-source solution that would be easy for you to access different software programs which will need for the perfect OS for your website.

There will be no chance of cyber-attacks if you will take the assistance of a trusted eWebGuru service. It will be easy to find viruses when you take the help of professionals and get to fix the problems quickly.

If you will use an eWebGuru VPS hosting server, you will be able to get better privacy, you can adjust the system according to your needs which will help you prevent yourself from using any unprotected or unsecured software in the future.
You can run your system at a faster pace and you can add your ideas & creative solutions to increase its level and you can also consult with professionals about it.

No matter the type of system you are using, you can use these services easily on any type of outdated system also. you can use this service easily on all kinds of outdated systems too.


VPS hosting is essential at some point in the development of the website. You cannot do it without knowing your needs and requirements. Sometime you will choose on this basis of dedicated hosting features and sometimes your choice may be affected by affordability. So you need to start the calculation and quantify the estimated requirements. This will help you find a VPS provider for your project.

Author bio: I’m working with as a digital marketer.
Anju Choudhary(digital marketer)