Consider Long Tail Keywords for More Targeted Traffic and Higher Profits


Long tails give your targeted visitors the green light to buy what you’re selling.

When it comes to digital marketing, many businesses focus primarily on getting as much website visitors as possible. In theory, that sounds good, but in reality, it could backfire. Using keywords that generate the most views might not be the best answer to achieving and surpassing stated sales goals. Incorporate long tail keywords and the right traffic will come.

The Meaning of a Long-Tail Keyword
Although there are hundreds of ways to describe long tail keywords, also called just “long tails,” here’s a simple meaning. A long tail keyword is a very specific and descriptive search phrase about an item or service. It contains at least two words, more often three, four or more. In many ways other than word counts, a long-tail keyword is the opposite of a one-word keyword. For instance, long tails have low to moderate search volume unlike many of its one-word keyword counterparts.

The Problem with One-Word Keywords
One-word keywords are common and very generic. They attract thousands of website visitors but lack specifics. For instance, take the one-word keyword “hats.” For a business that sells men’s hats, what’s missing is a clarifying description of the type of hat a searcher might want. One-word keywords bring around information-seeking visitors who may not yet be ready to purchase.

Long Tail Keywords Mean More Conversions
Long tail keywords convert more because they reflect searchers intent. Searchers use several words to find what they need. In the earlier example, for higher conversions, the men’s hat business should replace “hats” with a long tail keyword. A specific, more descriptive phrase with a low to moderate search volume is “men’s wooly hats.” Other long tail keyword ideas include “baseball caps in winter” and “men’s hat that covers ears.”

Another way that long tails convert is when bundled inside high-quality content. If you do this along with link building, you have a winning marketing strategy! Now, your website has a better chance of showing in the top results in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Experiment with Long Tail Keyword Variations, Track Progress, and Watch Sales Grow
Take stock of the specific brands, styles, and features of your products and services. Details matter, so include model numbers in long tails when appropriate. Help the right searchers find your business online fast.

Optimize Each Webpage for the Benefit of Faster Load Speeds
A large amount of non-converting traffic slows down a website. This can cause targeted visitors to flee. To counter this, optimize every single page with long tail keywords. Because of faster load speeds, they’ll enjoy the happy side benefit of a more streamlined website browsing experience.

How to Get Started on Selecting Appropriate Long Tail Keywords
Using a trusted keyword tool is a good starting point for finding appropriate long tails. However, true customization from an experienced website developer and design team is irreplaceable. A professional search engine optimization (SEO) expert knows how to analyze each webpage and limit the number of one-word keywords. You need a team skilled in replacing those generic terms with long tails. When you go this route, you’ll be able to see and quantify the difference.

MAXBURST is here to help you save valuable time and stay within your marketing budget. We have experience in understanding searcher’s intent. We’re prepared to spend time researching which keyword phrases work best for the specific items and services your business sells.