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25 Memorable Logo Designs that Can Be Used for Creative Branding

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Creating a memorable logo for your company can be challenging. You can literally go through hundreds of drafts before coming up with the perfect logo. Even hiring designers doesn’t always work out as they may not align with your vision. To make sure you get your professional designer logo right, you need to learn from great examples. Here is a collection of memorable designs that you can use for a creative branding session.

Opera Lab

Opera Lab is an art organization that aims to transform cities. Their logo works very well because of its expressive and vibrant colors. It also uses multiple fireworks to symbolize the collaborative aspect of the organization.

Hotel Daniel

This is a smart logo design for a hotel chain. The logo makes it look like it’s more for an audience that’s looking for something in between a luxury hotel and a low-end hotel. They emphasize this point with the message ‘smart luxury’.

Media Studio

Media Studio has a simple logo that uses two play buttons aligned with each other. This describes what the company is about – media production. They differentiate themselves by using neon colors help the logo stand out from other media brands.

Dante Sage Club

You would never expect that this would be a logo for a dental practice but it is. The intricate emblem design works in this case because so many dental practices use boring and forgettable logos. This isn’t one you’d easily forget.


Syndis is a security firm that offers bespoke solutions to companies. Their logo matches the theme of their company. It uses two sets of links and interconnects them to create a sort of security seal. The logo does a good job in assuring potential clients of their service.


Small businesses need strong logos as well. This deep diving company uses a whale’s tail flipping out of the ocean to specifically communicate what the company does and appeal to people who love the idea of whale watching.

Green Geeks

This web hosting company knows exactly the audience they’re targeting. They use a simple logo that’s done in green to represent their green company. It’s hard to brand yourself in the commodity based web hosting industry but they’ve done it without going overboard.


Motion uses a logo that’s perfect for their brand. The focus is on the loose typography and the wheel symbols that substitute the ‘o’ to create a logo that describes their animation studio.

Greek Whole Food

This is another great logo made for food based small business. The Greek style font, tableware icons and quirky delta symbol that replaces the D at the end perfectly encapsulates what this company is all about.

Content Dock

Content Dock is a logo designed for a content platform. The logo obviously hits the mark for the company name. While there isn’t anything that visually reminds you of anything content related, the boat anchor doubles as a strong symbol that represents a strong foundation. 

Union of Moscow Architects

This organization’s logo hits every point in their name. The pencil and the paper clip represents the drafting tools of old school architects. At the end tail of the paper clip, you see a symbol of the Russian red star to represent Moscow. 

Giant Owl

This is an incredibly creative logo for a production company. The two circles of the owl represent the company’s name. The inside of the owl’s eye represent a film reel. To top it all off, the company decided to make the logo animated to ensure it catches your attention.

Galactic Records

This logo is in the same vein as the last example. It uses great iconography to represent the name of the company while also creating imagery about what the company is about.

Hummingbird Scrapbooking

This logo uses a unique picture of a paper hummingbird that you’ll be sure to remember. The typography for the logo is excellent. It plays well into the arts and crafts theme while maintaining a classy appeal.


SoverInn plays into the whole Paul Revere midnight ride. The idea is to create a logo with a symbol that reminds customers that they’re the one making the decisions.

Bird & Worm

Bird & Worm is a creative agency that uses a funny animated graphic of a bird chasing the worm for their logo. This works very well because it reminds the potential client that they’re working with a creative and out of the box agency.


Fun and unique mascots in your logo can work well as a branding tool. This gaming vendor has created a mascot out of a game controller. It works because it’s fun, creative, and quirky. This creates the perfect visual for the gamer.

Subtle Yoga

This is a very cool logo made for a yoga studio. The designer could have easily used a perfectly balanced symbol but decided to make the center of this logo a little offbeat to reference the name.

Barknews Media

This is another great example of a mascot being used in a logo. The mascot is a TV and mic fitted onto a dog’s body. The expressive barking graphic works well to communicate to the audience that they’re going to get the latest news loud and clear.

Cook Eat Love

This cooking site logo has a great design that’s inviting, soulful and fluid. The top of the logo shows the handle of a charcuterie board which works perfectly with the cooking theme.

Spartan Golf Club

This golfing club finds a great way to integrate their name with golf. The symbol is making a golf swing and the motion of the swing makes a symbol that’s similar to the Spartan helmet plumes. This is definitely a golfing club logo you won’t forget.

Pitted Cherries

This logo is made for an advertising agency. At first glance, it seems like a simple logo describing the name of the company. But the almost neon colors and signage-like design plays into the advertising theme.

Orange Hive

Sometimes the simplest and best designs lie in the typography. This logo focuses on the typography and connects the A and the V together. The result is a clean and professional looking logo that looks unique.


This is a great logo made for a software program. The iconography is a simple gear symbol but the space theme is drawn into the center of it to create a visual that is very familiar yet very unique.

Solipsistic Nation

The designer for this logo decided to use a variety of radio symbols for this radio station. The result is a classic look that reminds you of classic radio in its heyday.

This collection of logos approaches the design from many different angles. You’ll see everything from typography, strong use of colors, iconography, classic symbols, to mascots being used. Hopefully, these ideas will help you come up with your own unique logo design for your creative branding strategy.

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