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Some Fresh and Useful Tools For Web Designers and Developers

Divi WordPress Theme

Here on Designbeep,we always love to find and share new free tools for web designers and developers.These tools help us whether to quicken our design process or to add some functional features to our design projects.

The list consists of free CSS tools,jquery plugins,color codes as well as tools for daily use.And ohh there is an interesting but a well thought search engine tool to find inspiration from Dribbble and Behance.The below tools are all free to use.Enjoy!!!…

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CSS Matic

tools for web designers and developersCSSmatic is a non-profit project, made by developers for developers and it’s a new, simple and intuitive way of editing and tunning CSS properties.
CSS Matic



tools for web designers and developersConditionizr is a fast and lightweight (3KB) javascript utility that detects browser vendor – touch features and retina displays – allowing you to serve conditional JavaScript and CSS files. MIT Licensed.


Am I Responsive

tools for web designers and developersThis is not a tool for testing, it is really important that you do that on real devices. This instead is a tool for quick screenshots.
Add your URL to the input field
Click GO (reloads the preview) or press Enter (reloads the page)
Am I Responsive



tools for web designers and developersIt’s a kind of search engine that checks works on Dribbble,Behance and Design Inspiration.



5.tools for web designers and developersA Cloud-Enabled desktop app for all your email.Inky saves you time by displaying all your email messages in one place sorted by relevance. As soon as you sign in for the first time, Inky goes to work figuring out what mail is important to you and helps you find it by placing it above all the other clutter.



tools for web designers and developersColourco is a full screen color picker for designers.Color-Picker based on hsl-color.Just click and lock the color code.


Photoshop Wireframe Kit for Web Designers

tools for web designers and developersThis wireframe kit includes:

Images & video
Form fields
Headings, paragraphs and bullet lists
Ad banners
Common website elements like: search box, email sign up form, etc.

Photoshop Wireframe Kit


  1. Parma
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