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20 Wonderful CSS3 Text Effect Tutorials and Experiments

Divi WordPress Theme

The new CSS3 properties give us great advantages to style our web elements without using javascript codes or flash elements.Day by day the browsers are more familiar with CSS3 so i think people will create more and more beautiful thing using CSS3.
One of the most important and useful part of web elements is text effects however because of non-supporting browsers still images or .js codes or flash elements are being used.
Today’s post is about CSS3 text effects which are all very creative and show the power of CSS3.

Text-shadows to Create 3D text



Tilt-Shift Effect on Text using CSS3



The Neon Lights Text Effect



Subtle CSS3 Typography



Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow



Text Rotation with CSS



CSS3 Shining Text, CSS2 Flaming Text



Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography



CSS Gradient Text Effect



Cool Text Effects with Css text-shadow



Letterpress Effect Using Photoshop and CSS



Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS



Add Grunge Effect to Text using Simple CSS



Create Inset Typography with CSS3



Fun With CSS Text-Shadow



3D Text Tower


Glass Text Effect (refractive index) with CSS3


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