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20 (More) Fresh jQuery Image Gallery/Slider Plugins and Tutorials Worth a Look

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In the last few years jquery image sliders and jQuery image galleries become very popular in blogs and especially in portfolio sites.One of the easiest solution to attract your visitors and to show your potential clients your portfolio is the image sliders and image galleries.

Today we bring together jQuery image sliders and galleries which are released in the last few months or updated recently.
Make your snazzy jquery websites work with powerful web hosting built to perform.

TN3 Gallery

TN3 Gallery is a full fledged HTML based customizable image gallery with slideshow, transitions and multiple album options. Compatible with all modern desktop and mobile browsers. Powered by jQuery.
jQuery galleryDocumentation | Examples | Features

Circular Image Galleries With jQuery
Display your images or items around a shape like a circle or an ellipse.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo1 | Demo2 | Demo3 | Demo4

JQuery Image Gallery with Captions and Auto Play/Pause Rotation
An awesome jquery gallery which is transparent, fixed on screen, autoplay on/off buttons and css3 stylized gallery.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

JQuery Based Flipped Image Gallery with Bounce Effects
A simple jQuery based flipped image gallery. On hover the images will expand.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Tiny Circle Slider
Tiny Circleslider is a circular slider / carousel.Tiny Circleslider can blend in on any web page.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Awesome Scrolling Navigation using jQuery
The main thing flipboard do differently is to have the logo and logo background elements move at different animation speeds from each other and the main content
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Sliderman is a standalone javascript library for sliding images. The main feature of Sliderman.js is multiple unique effects which can be combined together.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Rotating Image Slideshow w/ CSS3 and jQuery
You can use it to spice up your web sites, product pages and other projects with some CSS3 magic.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

A Flickr-powered Slideshow
A jQuery plugin that will make it easy to create slideshows, product guides or presentations from your Flickr photo sets. The plugin will be using Flickr’s APIs and YQL to fetch the photos in the sets, after which it will create the markup of the slideshow and listen for events.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Awesome jQuery Image Gallery Plugin(Thumbox)
Browse the images via mini-gallery.Display images description.Effects for input and output images.Keyboard navigation.Navigation with the mouse wheel.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

jbgallery 3.0(Big Multiple Images Slideshow With JQuery)
jbgallery is a UI widget webpage written in javascript on top of the jQuery library.Its function is to show a single big image, multiple images, multiple galleries, slideshows, as a site’s background, in a “dialog” mode or as a common pop-up.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Lightweight Thumbnails Image Gallery
Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework built on top of the jQuery library. The aim is to simplify the process of creating professional image galleries for the web and mobile devices.
jquery image sliderDocumentation Demo

Sideways – jQuery Fullscreen Image Gallery
A simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo1 | Demo2

Galileory jQ(All-In-Box jQuery Image Gallery)
All images placed into a single box which can be positioned, sized and stretched however you wish. It is totaly client relative, compatible with all CMS and can be integrated into any website or blog.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Orbit:Countdown Image Slider Plugin
jQuery plugin lets you create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size, and even includes some parameters for making awesome captions and a sweet timer.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

jQuery & CSS MobileApp Website Effect
A complete jQuery & CSS website for a fictional mobile application. It is going to feature semantic markup and a progressively enhanced slideshow effect. It will allow the user to see four of the most popular smartphones running the mobile app.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Mask Transition Slideshow With jQuery
The main concept is put an element infront of the fading square, then fade out the square to give the masking effect.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Modern Gallery Using Raphael Library and jQuery
Create a modern gallery (with cool animation effect) using Raphael library and jQuery.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Attractive Before and After Photo Effect with jQuery
Cretaed by Kevin Liew.It is compatible with IE6, 7, 8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

Fullscreen Gallery with Thumbnail Flip
A thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when navigating through the images. The big image will slide up or down depending where we are navigating to.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo

3D Wall Gallery
Using the Safari browser the images of this gallery will be put into 3D perspective, when scrolling or sliding. When viewed with another browser, the gallery will be shown normally, retaining all the functionality.
jquery image sliderDocumentation | Demo


  1. Mario Orm
  2. Julia
  3. Michael
  4. Justin
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